Having cancer can cause a lot of harm to your wellbeing as it has major side effects. Having said that, not all cancers are the same. Each one comes with its own set of complications. Some are more severe than others.

To better understand what patients can expect and for their doctors to know which treatment would suit them, cancers have separated into multiple levels called the stages of cancers.

Stage 0: Cancer has begun to take shape and can be removed easily

Stage 1: Cancer has started to form, but it is small and not spreading

Stage 2-3: Cancer is growing and spreading around the surrounding cells and tissues

Stage 4:  Cancer is grown very much and spreading across different organs of the body


Once you know which stage of cancer you are at, only then can you start its treatment.

In our other blog, stage 1 cancer, and how it spreads, we gave a clear idea about what stage 1 cancer is and how it spreads. We also touched upon the other stages of cancer and how it’s different from Stage 1.

Over here, in this blog, we will be putting the spotlight on the severest form of cancer. You will get to know

  • What is Stage IV Cancer
  • How is Cancer Determined
  • The Stage 4 care and treatment
  • How Long After Cancer Treatment Do You Feel Better

In short, this is literally everything that you need to know about stage 4 cancer. So, without delay, let’s begin.


What is Stage 4:

Cancers are divided into four different stages. This division allows the doctors and people to understand their state and act accordingly. We have already covered the initial three stages of cancer in our blog, stage 1 cancer and how it spreads.

Over here, we will be talking about the most severe stage of cancer, which is stage 4. It is also referred to as metastatic cancer.


What makes Stage 4 different?

In this stage, cancer spreads faster and wider across the entire body.

Here are some of the body parts from where stage 4 cancer can spread to different parts of the body are:

  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Prostate cancer

Usually, cancer spreads from these parts all the way to the brain and lungs.


How is Cancer Determined:

Stage 4, being the final stage of cancer, requires special care to avoid fatality. The initial step that needs to be taken when cancer is first detected is to run some tests. These include:

Physical Test

The doctor observes the exterior abnormalities in your body. These include skin color change, enlargement of organs, and all other tests, which may hint at the presence of cancer.


Endoscopy is most commonly used to detect stomach cancer, as it does not show symptoms long after a person has it. It is used by doctors to view the organ in your body.

For cancer patients, doctors use it to see where cancer lies and how severe it is.  A flexible tube is routed inside the body with a camera at the end.

Once the doctor knows where it is, this information makes it easier for the doctors to root it out during treatment. Knowing how severe it is will allow the doctor to understand what stage of cancer it is.

Blood Test:

For measuring the blood cell in the body, a blood test gives you an indication of whether you have cancer or not. The types of cancers it can detect are leukemia and anemia.


One part of the suspicious and abnormal cells are removed to perform the biopsy. This process may be done after an X-Ray or a CT scan. The doctor uses the reports to know where abnormal cells lie and take them out.

MRI Scan:

Doctors use the MRI scan to detect if you have lung cancer or a brain tumor. MRI gives the doctor a full-body image.

These tests will allow the medical professionals to judge if you are a stage 4 cancer patient or not.

Some of the liquid cancers like blood cancer, leukemia, lymphoma are determined by other factors. These factors include:

–         Ratio of healthy blood and cancerous blood cells

–         Whether cancer has turned into a blood disorder


The Stage 4 Care and Treatment:

Having discussed stage 4 cancer, we will now talk about its treatment and care.

Usually, stage 4 treatment is more about prolonging your life, as cancer has spread too much in the body. But having said that, you will also find situations where people have defeated stage 4 cancer.

To know for sure if you can do the same and have your stage 4 cured, you should consult with specialists.

If your cancer situation is curable, your doctor will let you know. You will go through a specific process, considering the symptoms you are facing.

Some of the recommended stage 4 treatments are:

Stage 4 Cancer treatment


A drug treatment that controls the growth and kills cells in your body. It can either be the only treatment you use or used in tandem with other treatments like surgery.

Often people ask, “can you treat cancer without chemo.”

Chemotherapy is not often the first-course treatment that cancer patients go for. Most patients also take this decision as they don’t want to go through the side effects of Chemotherapy.


Radiation Therapy:

The therapy can reduce the tumor. The radioactive particles are fired in your body, which kills the unwanted cancerous cells. Radiation therapy treatment takes about a week for full effect and eliminates the cancerous cells that are spreading.



It is the treatment that boosts your immune system. Immunotherapy fights cancer cells in your body by strengthening the organs and equipping you with the necessary strength in the fight against cancerous cells.

This also answers the question that is often thought about and asked, “can your immune system kill cancer?”

Immunotherapy makes our immune system more resistant to cancer cells. A strong immune system is an important factor in killing cancerous cells in our body.


How Long After Cancer Treatment Do You Feel Better:

Your cancer treatment may have been done, but your body would still be facing the side effects of the process.

There is no one answer of how long it will take for a person to recover fully. It depends on the different physical features of the person.

Some of the common effects that are seen for people recovering from stage 4 cancer are:



You usually feel tired and low on energy. Your muscle strength would be down. This can also be because of fewer blood-count or not drinking enough fluid before your treatment.

  • Take energy enhancement drugs
  • Exercise
  • Consume a nutritious diet


Hair Loss:

You may experience hair loss after your cancer treatment. This not only means the hair on your head, but hair face, arm, legs, and other parts of the body.

One of the ways you can manage your hair loss is to have your hair cut yourself and wait for it to grow back naturally.


Oral Complications:

Usually, the people who are treated for cancer have complications in their mouths. It is likely due to radiation or some other factor.

These problems may include

  • Cavity
  • Changed taste
  • Pain in the gums


In this situation, what you can do is:

  • Consume sugarless chewing gum
  • Drink water
  • Suck Ice chips


Wrapping it up:

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a physical and psychological blow for you. It’s even worse when you know that you are at stage IV of cancer.

But after reading this blog, you would understand that being diagnosed with stage IV cancer does not necessarily mean it’s the end of the world. You can still overcome it by going through treatments that have been discussed.

To avoid reaching this severe stage of cancer, you would want to get yourself tested immediately when you suspect you have symptoms. This will allow you to eliminate it much easier than what it would have at higher stages.